Acupuncture Relieves Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Acupuncture Relieves Heartburn And Acid Reflux

#13 Acupuncture Relieves Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Excerpt from Debra’s upcoming book: 33 Things Acupuncture CuresAcupuncture Relieves Heartburn

It’s the middle of a great evening, delightful food, and wonderful friends. Then it starts. First, your waist seems to grow two sizes, and you feel well, gassy. Then there’s the tightness and sometimes burning in your chest. There are many names for your problem the commercials fill primetime with suppressive drugs with frightening side-effects. You’re having heartburn or acid reflux.  Your friend whispers in your ear, acupuncture relieves heartburn and acid reflux. Wondering if your pain is that clear you smile between thin lips.

Do You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome Or Acid Reflux?

It’s not just with rich food either! The other day you had that presentation and well you kept running to the bathroom for a full day before. It’s painful, and it’s urgent your irritable bowel syndrome, but you can’t just stop working and move to the beach where stress doesn’t exist! Besides, you love this job. Maybe you should call your friend and get more information about just how acupuncture relieves heartburn and acid reflux.

acid reflux

Are Heartburn and Acid Reflux The Same?

Yes, they usually are the same. Symptoms can vary though most patients have a burning sensation along with tightness in the chest. Burping and a bad taste in your mouth also happen. Because IBS or irritable bowel often co-exists with acid reflux, it’s hard to tell which symptoms are heartburn. Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea are generally part of IBS.

Like our individual whose friend suggests acupuncture relieves heartburn and acid reflux you may have a variety of physical problems listed or others. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can reduce the problem.

Some patients find acupuncture alone solves irritable bowel syndrome while others are more complicated needing herbal medicine as well. Because allergies play a significant role for many, we use a specialized testing when needed to find and then deactivate these food problems.

irritable bowel syndrome

When Acid Reflux And IBS Are Not Allergies

A growing number of patients that I see have stress filled lives. It may be their profession or home life – perhaps a combination. We use some tools to help you permanently rid yourself of digestive problems Here is our list of helpful things you can do at home.

  1. Practice mindfulness. Begin your day with just five minutes of your Breath deeply and you stretch your body. Mentally think of something you are grateful for as your day begins. It may be your job, family, or the fact that you’ve got a roof over your head. Who you are thankful to depends on your beliefs.
  2. Essential oils used on the stomach and under the ribcage are useful. These include Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, and Lemongrass to name a few.
  3. Chinese herbal formulas you can get from our office that are extremely useful include Ease Digestion an ancient formula.
  4. We’ve had great success for patients’ with food allergies. Many times there are nutritional deficiencies treated successfully.

Acupuncture relieves heartburn and acid reflux; it also alleviates Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You don’t have to suffer longer, let us help you.

#1 Acne & Skin Conditions: 33 Things Acupuncture Treats

#1 Acne & Skin Conditions: 33 Things Acupuncture Treats

Acne and Acupuncture

skin conditions

The idea that acupuncture can work for Acne or other skin conditions seems foreign to some people. When you think about it our largest organ is the covering around our body that we call, skin. Through it our body tries sometimes easily and sometimes with great effort to ‘get rid of toxins’ that are on the inside and could do harm to you.

The old saying, “you are what you eat”, it true. Foods high in chemicals or coloring are not digestible. Other toxins our bodies can’t always remove are air-borne chemicals. Allergies also can cause skin conditions. We recommend allergy elimination treatment.  The normal method of elimination is going to the bathroom which isn’t always enough. So to protect your heart, kidneys, and other vital organs we push the poisons out through the skin literally!

In Chinese Medicine and Naturopathic science, we refer to physical conditions as heat toxins and yes acupuncture treats acne and skin conditions. This chapter from my upcoming book focuses on what Chinese medicine and other natural medicine can assist you. Also you’ll find plenty of ideas for home.

Skin Conditions That Acupuncture Treats

skin conditions

Those whiteheads or cysts are full of puss all over your face and back are your body is trying to push out junk. What kind of junk depends on your diet and habits. As kids we’re told its greasy foods but it’s more likely the whole super size quick meal than just the fatty hamburger.

Do you have blackheads or other conditions? Acupuncturists’ call this dampness and acupuncture can help your body balance this so you look young and have great skin.

Acupuncture can help end your nightmare with acne and reduce the redness. Our skin is built from the inside out so working with an acupuncturist that also does facial rejuvenation can be a bonus. We help you rebuild collagen, reduce wrinkles, and give you smooth, shiny skin.

Facial Acupuncture And Herbs

facial acupuncture

How do herbs help you have that shiny glow and pretty skin? In Chinese medicine, herbs play a powerful role internally to help you detox in some cases and in others to decrease heat or dampness created by your environment. Skin conditions often have food sensitivities or allergies associated. These can occur from your digestion or the world around you.

Some patients get rashes, for instance, being outdoors around certain plants while others live near an industrial business. Even past exposure years ago can be the root of skin conditions.

Skin Rashes and Other Skin Conditions

Personally I experienced a severe skin rash. It had to do with a preservative in a particular food. It took three years to narrow it down. The simple cure for me was to avoid this food preservative. Yet before my skin would clear up I used herbs for dampness and heat along with acupuncture.

For Your Medical Doctor:
There are four areas of dermatology where Chinese medicine is useful for your patients. Chang Yang (skin sores), Pi Fu Ling (skin disorders, such as eruptions), Gan Men Bing (rectal or anus disorders, such as hemorrhoids), and Za Bing (digestive disorders).

facial acupuncture

If you’re working with a physician, acupuncture assists with inflammation in the body, balancing the digestive system and supports your western care.

A few herbal formulas we use to further encourage for healthy skin have excellent results without chemicals that may further irritate the tissues. These formulas treat acne, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, and psoriasis. Many formulas have been in use for many centuries.
The four herbs — Rhubarb (Dai Huang), Sophora (Ku Shen), Phellodendron (Huang Bai) and Skullcap (Huang Qin) — were placed under scientific study and were found to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral qualities. Clinical research indicated that Phellodendron (Huang Bai) is excellent in treating eczema.

Nutrients – Homeopathy – Herbs

When it comes to what is on the inside, your best food defenses are antioxidants for healthy skin. I know you’ve heard that vitamin C and E work well but why and what foods.

These two vitamins and your primary minerals increase collagen in the skin. This is the stuff that makes your skin wrinkle free and smooth.homeopathy

Chinese medicine has terrific formulas that clear up skin fast and reduce flare-ups as previously mentioned. All these are available to both acupuncture patients and our online clients!

My “Fave” Foods

Guava, strawberries, pineapple, papaya, and lemons. Eat more broccoli, kale and mangos too. Going for the white potatoes keep the skin on!

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”  ~Hippocrates

 Essential Oils

Melaleuca, Alternifolia, Chamomile, and Lavender can all work for skin conditions. Of course we have these and more available for you through office. You don’t have to have acupuncture treatment to be a client. Our clients live throughout the USA and work with us by phone!


Stress plays a big part in skin health. Each morning says to yourself, ‘I have a stress free day ahead and meet it with a radiant smile. ‘

“Health is not simply the absence of sickness.”  ~Hannah Green

In our upcoming book, “33 Things Acupuncture Treats” you’ll learn about back pain, arthritis, even women’s health. Acne and Skin Conditions is one of many things we can help you with.


Interested in living healthy? Find out more by calling our offce. Call today!






Images copyright 2016 Fotolia and BigStock

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat

Today we know a lot more about what to eat and why. So what’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat? We’ve all heard the saying eat carbs before doing a physical activity and if you’re a mom, the saying went that you fed your child a large meal of pasta before a soccer game.

Nutrition is a significant element for anyone especially those who exercise or consider themselves athletes. Food is the fuel for your endurance and high-intensity. For this reason, carbohydrates have been the food source of choice.

In looking at Fitness performance is it really the best resource for you?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

How Carbohydrates and Fat Compare During Exercise:

Our body can store both fat and carbs. Why we have always been told to eat a large bowl of pasta before running a race, or playing a hockey game is that carbohydrates convert to energy faster. Carbs also are the most efficient form for the experienced athlete.

What about fat then?  Fat burns slower. This means it increases endurance and as your workout longer, or run farther having fat before you begin can increase your ability to sustain your running, cycling, or triathlon.

Our body’s store fat limitlessly. This is why we gain weight so eating fat or having a bit of body fat can be a good thing! The available carbohydrate stores are limited to what you’ve just eaten, not eliminated, or converted to fat storage.

There is no straight answer to what’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat it depends on what you’re doing!

Weight gain and Carbohydrates

weight gain and carbohydrates

Another topic around food and fitness is weight gain and carbohydrates.

If you don’t use up all the calories from carbohydrates, you’ll store these as fat adding pounds and body mass in fat grams to yourself. There is a direct tie between weight gain and carbohydrates.

The key is eating a balance. In 2004, the Australian Institute of Sport found that your body can use a high-fat, low-carb diet by burning more fat during exercise.

Other research those still points out that performance is lost when you add too much fat.

Bottom line balance in all your meals means better performance. Eat the right diet for you to be at a healthy weight. The issue of weight gain and carbohydrates come in when you eat too much of this food group.

Before you move into a high-intensity workout or cardio activity, eat a tiny amount of carbs. Running for the large slice of lasagna or eating a heaping pile of mashed potatoes means weight gain in many instances.

Instead, eat a headful of nuts or sample a few small bites of pasta 30 minutes before activity for the average person. What’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat is individual to each one. It also depends on what you’re doing as an activity the intensity or the endurance. Finally, consider weight gain and carbohydrates. If you’re looking to lose weight limit high carbs in your diet until you reach your goal weight.

Interested in living healthy? Find out more by calling our offce. Call today!



images:  Nick Freund | – Model with spaghetti, Rido | – Man Eating Energy Bar

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