Why Doctors Can’t Fix Restless Leg Syndrome

Why Doctors Can’t Fix Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg Syndrome is downright terrible. I can’t remember when I didn’t have it. It may have started when I was pregnant for the first time over thirty years ago. That’s a long time to suffer.restless leg syndrome

There are times when I feel it creeping up my leg like bugs walking on my skin. My leg flies in the air with a jerk. Then there’s the tingling feeling on the back of my thigh. Little prickly pins move down toward my knee most often on the back of my leg. Recently my ankle will just all of a sudden get a twinge and my foot jets out kicking whatever is in front of me.

What is your restless leg like?  Does it affect both legs like mine did before I got Plantar Fasciitis? Are you just living with it – hoping for a cure? For me, the cure came in the form of the Pure Wave Massage unit.

Why Doctors Can’t Fix Restless Leg

So what is this thing that doctors can’t fix?  What causes it and why do more women than men get it?  All great questions still answers are elusive.

If you have it then getting sleep is tough. How do you do at the theater, a long movie or concert?  For me, I fill with dread when the audience [me] return to the theater after an intermission. The poor person in front of me is in for a treat as my leg begins to kick their seat out of control.

Recently we saw Hamilton. I used the Pure Wave Massage unit before we left for Denver Performing Arts and had no restless leg syndrome!

Leg Spasms
RLS restless leg

RLS, as it is known, is a disorder of the nervous system. Western medicine calls it a disorder. I call it a pain in the butt – literally at times.

While only about 10% of the population get it, more women have it. There’s no age that it effects. Western medicine will try to tell you that it might be in your genes. I doubt that. What I do believe.

Three Factors Play A Role In RLS

  1. Pregnancy like with The problem is for many it doesn’t go away. In Asian medicine, it is believed to be because of blood changes to the mom during pregnancy. This means hormones go wacky. Also, it is likely due to blood loss during delivery and the hormone changes.Many women become iron deficient, giving birth, and there is strong research pointing to anemia as a temporary cause.
  2. Chronic illness like diabetes or peripheral neuropathy often involves Restless leg syndrome is associated with other diseases such as Parkinson’s, Kidney issues, or autoimmune.restless leg syndrome, rls
  3. Tight muscles. This is the most common. There can be vitamin deficiency too. Vitamin D and all B Vitamins can greatly help a person. So why muscles.When our muscles stay tight, they limit the flow of blood, nerve responses, and create tension in that part of the body. Have you ever experienced tight, stressed shoulders?  It’s the same thing with legs. They get tight and unless we do deep massage daily restless leg syndrome with lessening or be gone for days. I prefer the Pure Wave Massage unit because I can do it myself and it has several different attachments.

As an acupuncturist and online health coach it’s so easy to treat my patients. Simply the process of acupuncture and my Pure Wave Intense Massage gives a better and deeper treatment with better success.

I hope if you have restless leg syndrome this article is helpful. If you are looking for what to do at home to eliminate or lessen your RLS try the Pure Wave.  


Photo by elizabeth lies on Unsplash

Photo by Rahul Anil on Unsplash

How To Cure Plantar Fasciitis Without Getting Injections

How To Cure Plantar Fasciitis Without Getting Injections

Have you had mornings like this? You dread getting out of bed because of foot pain. Recently I had the ‘opportunity’ to experience Plantar Fasciitis. Man, it hurts like Heck. I stupidly rushed out the door before the holiday for gifts. Guess what you can’t wear two different boots on your feet even if they look almost identical. The slight difference in the heel killed my left foot.

Not All Foot Pain Is Plantar Fasciitis

Yes, a silly thing that has created lots of pain. I can’t go barefoot though I never did. I can’t wear flip-flops. That’s okay because I only used them in the gym sauna. But the worst is when I get up in the morning. It hurts to run to the restroom. It’s like stepping on tac’s or hot coals do you know the feeling? Yeah, I gave myself Plantar Fasciitis.

Sure I can do acupuncture on it. I do. I have many patients getting better because of my Plantar Fasciitis treatment. The key though for me in my personal experience is the vibration tool, called Pure Wave I use in the office and my foot rocker. Plantar Fasciitis is one of those things you have to be aggressive with daily. Yes, daily you have to treat it at home. Acupuncture weekly gets to the deep inflammation, and it promotes healing. Keep it up if you have Plantar Fasciitis.Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis And Stretching

When I think back to the day, I messed up. I spent six hours on my feet. Then I didn’t stretch out my feet or legs at all. Preventive is one of those hindsight things. But you bet, that as I get better, it’s part of my day – every day.

Runners And Plantar Fasciitis

Are you on your feet a lot?  Maybe you’re like me. I run. I love to run, so I do it outside when the weather is good. I’m one of those fare-weather runners. It’s not about a race. It’s that thing to stave off age and keep me moving. When I can’t run outside, I’m in the gym. I try to run and lift weights three times a week. This is a lot of time on your feet.  Wearing the right footwear made the difference for me. I have taken to wearing an old pair of Hoka Stinson ATR’s for errands or with jeans.

Finally. My feet love my low heels once again. I tried a pair Sunday, and my feet didn’t hurt. I still came home and used both the vibration tool and the foot rocker. It’s been almost ten weeks, and I can run three days in a row. Put on a pair of heels for a few hours.

Why Acupuncture For Plantar Fasciitis

If you have Plantar Fasciitis, you might want to try acupuncture. It’s important though to invest in both the Pure Wave and the UltraFlex PowerStep. I did try a few other things and found they made my foot worse.

The bonus for me is my restless leg is almost gone too! Both Plantar Fasciitis and restless leg are about inflammation and tightness. Acupuncture and the right home care solved these for many of my patients and me.


Images from Photo Unsplash

Medical Foods and Chronic Pain

Medical Foods and Chronic Pain

Why Consider Medical Foods

medical foods
Chronic pain can change your life. It can make you feel exhausted as you try to live normally. Western pharmaceuticals only worsen your ability to function.The use of medical foods is on the rise with many but first lets talk a little about chronic pain.  Wondering what means your pain is chronic? Here is a short list:

  • Chronic pain is any pain that lasts more than 12 weeks.
  • An injury such as a back sprain can become Chronic.
  • An illness or viral infection also can be the cause.
  • Often there is no apparent cause of the pain. It gradually begins or starts suddenly.

Chronic Pain And The Nervous System

Painful Joints
Chronic pain is different from acute pain because it affects the nervous system. It is a disease of the nervous structures, the nutrients, amino acids, and the neurotransmitter metabolism. This is why medical foods are far more useful but what are these metabolic arrangements.

Our nervous system relays messages of pain to our brain. These are throbbing, stabbing, and piercing discomfort. The message flows from muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints. It destroys your sense of who you are because you cannot think about much else.

Amino Acids play a significant part in our cells, muscles and tissues carrying out essential functions like giving our cells their shape. With depletion or break down you may have tendon pain. They are also necessary for healing and repairing wounds, tissue, and muscles, bones, skin and hair. Amino acids help with the removal of all kinds of waste deposits produced in connection with the metabolism.

Let’s not forget nutrients. If your body does not get enough all things within your body, begin to break down. There is something called methylation and if you cannot absorb all the minerals and vitamin in your food or supplements taking them does not matter.Chronic pain

With nutrition, the thing to remember is if you have chronic pain most of the nutrients are going to combat tissue damage and inflammation. B vitamins, for instance, assist with stress relief, hormones, and other physical processes. If they are being used to relieve the pressure of your discomfort, there’s little for other functions.

The Role Of Neurotransmitters

A brain chemical called neurotransmitters communicate data between our body and brain. They become important because they convey messages amongst nerve cells. Your using neurotransmitters right now. They are used to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your stomach to digest.  They are so important that low levels make you feel foggy minded, you cannot sleep, and emotionally you are not yourself. Weight is affected keeping you from being able to lose weight.

It is not only your pain keeping you awake at night your brain needs neurotransmitters to work properly.dreamstime_m_25072968

For over a decade scientific research has taken place focusing on these underlying physiologic changes created by chronic pain. This study revealed that individual amino acid based medical foods improve your body’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation.

Clinical success with medical food such as Teramine, Treadone, and Percura. Success using medical food results in reducing pain, inflammation, and improving your daily function.

Teramine, Treadone, and Percura are not drugs. They are designed to supply the nervous system with the necessary fuel to deal with the high demands of a body in deep pain. These substances tested in multiple studies are useful without dangerous side-effects.

Accent On Health Wellness uses medical foods to fight chronic pain and other disabling health problems. Our office found that these natural pharma nutrients help many of our patients. Are you ready to learn more? Contact our office.



Statements  and images here are in part are taken from Physician Therapeutics – a targeted medical pharma company. http://www.ptlcentral.com/

Find out more by calling our offce. Call today!


other images copyrights: Bigstock, Dreamstime, Fotolia

Can’t Sleep? Finding Natural Help For Insomnia

Can’t Sleep? Finding Natural Help For Insomnia

“Last night I closed my eyes only to wake a full hour before I had to get up. I can’t sleep once again. Worse yet it is Saturday; my only morning to sleep in.” It’s been a busy week and like you, I need sleep to recoup my energy. Clients share some version of their insomnia with me weekly. This is just one that I heard recently. Many people can’t sleep. The reason varies. There are many natural ways to get a good nights’ sleep.

can't sleep

Copious numbers of people try prescription drugs like Ambien or Lunesta only to experience horrible side effects. They range from bad dreams, sleep-walking, not being able to wake up. Lower Libido is another complaint I keep hearing too. The one time I tried it I hallucinated!

Even some forms of natural medicine can have side effects.  My advice don’t give up with holistic aids there is more than the name of the product or ingredient to consider. There is the cultivation and the foods you consume. That’s right your mix of foods, and natural substances, when you can’t sleep, can interact.

Why Our Minds Can’t Sleep


When we can’t sleep, it may be our minds are over-busy, or we suffer from physical pain. These are the two most common problems that create the sleeplessness. Increasingly a high percentage of sleep issue is hormonal in both men and women! I’ve seen patients with insomnia for many reasons; I don’t give up and encourage you to not either.

Our brain and nervous system need neurotransmitters or chemicals to function. When our minds can’t slow down, these chemicals don’t activate correctly. Acupuncture is an extremely helpful part of a healing program for long-term or chronic sleepless nights. There’re three types of sleep aids I like to recommend to help you when you can’t sleep. I’ll cover one in this article, share a few, and include the others in another article.

The Body’s Hormone For Insomnia


Melatonin, for instance, is a natural hormone made by the Pineal gland inside the brain. Our brain knows to stop making it from light hitting the eye. Because we stay up late, have on bright lightening, the Pineal gland doesn’t get the signal.

I had to try a few brands to find one that didn’t cause nightmares for me. This is a common consequence, especially when taken within 2-3 hours of drinking alcohol. Some clients do better with a sublingual form over a capsule. For me, it doesn’t matter it’s how it made. This is why I encourage people to try numerous brands before giving up on Melatonin.

A few other forms we use are a homeopathic remedy and slow release blend. Sometimes the type of Melatonin you take makes the difference for insomnia.

How melatonin works in our body is different from the other sleep-aids I’ll share with you in this article. It is similar to a clock starting to increase around 9 pm making you sleepy and decreasing to untraceable levels at 9 am. Lowering lights, turning down the TV, or shutting it and computers off at 9 pm can enhance your ability to fall asleep naturally. If you don’t go to bed until a few hours later, fill this time reading in a gentle light that doesn’t fill the entire room.

When You Can’t Sleep Try Natural Options


Melatonin isn’t the only natural formula I recommend to clients with insomnia. When I can’t sleep a few specific herbal prescriptions or my favorite, a neurotransmitter work wonders. Gaba or Gamma-Amino Butyric acid is another neurotransmitter. It acts as a tranquilizer for most people. It is non-habit forming and it is a chemical that is made in the brain.

It is used for relieving anxiety, improving mood, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also used for promoting lean muscle growth, burning fat, stabilizing blood pressure, and relieving pain, according to WebMD.

Even deficiencies in micronutrients can cause insomnia. We offer testing to help you get to the root of the problem and treat it naturally.


I’ve had patients who haven’t had a good night’s sleep in years start sleeping better with acupuncture and one of these various natural supplements. To learn more about the other insomnia options schedule your visit today.


More at http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/tc/melatonin-overview


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