The Plant Paradox Verses The Paleo Principle

The Plant Paradox Verses The Paleo Principle

The Plant Paradox Verses The Paleo Principle

When did eating and knowing what to eat become so hard? I stand between The Plant Paradox and The Paleo Principle truthfully. These two books both talk about Lectins and how damaging they are to humans. Well, they’re actually poison to everything, and they cause disease in humans.

The Plant Paradox

The Plant Paradox Book

I think if you’re good at being a vegetarian then definitely read every page of The Plant Paradox. Even if you’re leaning toward being Paleo still read it. It is by far the best explanation of why we – by we I mean you should change what you eat.
For me, I want meat protein. That’s why I lean toward Paleo. However, True Paleo is really a lifestyle of eating a dense nutrition diet of vegetables and some protein from all kinds of sources. This includes animal protein.

If you have high cholesterol or triglycerides, you need to read these books and change what you eat. If you have diabetes or an autoimmune disease dive into these recipes. Trade your quick meal or pizza for health. Weight loss a favorite with well, everyone happens when you eat this way.

The Paleo Principle

So why do I say I stand between these two similar but different views? I think The Plant Paradox is too limited for many. I don’t agree with the amount of meat protein you can eat on The Paleo Principles.  Eat about 6 oz total daily seems to be good for most people. You can lose weight on either lifestyle. Be sure you read this article on the Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes

Paleo Principles

The Plant Paradox Verses The Paleo Principle

I totally agree with The Plant Paradox about what is the best type of chicken and eggs. I also believe you should limit foods you don’t find in The Plant Paradox if you decide to remain Paleo or become one.

There are more books but once you read these two and I mean read them you’ll know why to change how you eat. In fact, you’ll be motivated and ready to take back control of your health.

I’ll write more here later, but right now my readers are asking where they bet the books.

Click on the book covers here to learn more about each book.

These are my partner links with Amazon. I really appreciate you clicking on them if you’re interested in learning more about these books.


The Plant Paradox

Paleo Principles 

Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash



The Top 8 Nutrients For Brain Health Or How To Avoid Alzheimer’s

The Top 8 Nutrients For Brain Health Or How To Avoid Alzheimer’s

Are there ways to promote brain health other than taking a vitamin? Food has some of the most powerful abilities to help you avoid `This is my top eight nutrients for brain health. Brain Health, nutritients

There are a lot of different kinds of illness that can affect the brain. As we age however this population is unique because there are so many of us and never before has there been so much mental decline. Alzheimer’s is but one cognitive disease.

How To Avoid Alzheimer’s

Check out my favorites and incorporate them into your diet. Remember organic and non-GMO is always best, locally growth is great, and fresh is good. Avoid packaged food and frozen foods.

1. Sprouted grains are great. They provide energy for brains, but we don’t want to eat too much. Some great ideas are sprouted out quinoa or brown rice. I recommend staying away from pasta, or regular rice is both are starchy foods. The brain does not like starchy foods.

2. Make sure you’re getting your Omega’s. Omega-3’s have a crucial role in brain functioning and Alzheimer’s . To get enough from food sources like salmon, trout, herring, or sardines you’d have to eat a lot of fish. I recommend a hearty supplement that contains omega-3’s, 6, 7, and 9.

The Power Of Nutrition

Alzheimer’s, Omega 3

3. One of the most important nutrients in the top 8 nutrients for brain health is vitamin E.  According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, vitamin D plays a role in delaying cognitive decline. He is plentiful and most nuts, leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, and eggs.

4. Blueberries and other berries support a healthy brain. They are especially rich in a protective compound called anthocyanins according to Tufts University. Blueberries and blackberries have been found to be effective in improving memory and delaying short-term memory loss.

According to Tufts University, July 2015 issue of Ask Tufts Experts, Do blackberries have similar brain benefits from polyphenols as seen in blueberries? The answer is yes. Health find goes on to say that blueberries are also packed with vitamin C K and manganese. The Atlantic goes on to say that blackberries and other berries provide great protection against Alzheimer’s as well as other age-related memory loss and types of cognitive decline.

5. Vitamin K or potassium hit the list of top 8 nutrients for brain health and Alzheimer’s. Vitamin K is a powerful brain power booster and enhancer of cognitive function. To get more eat broccoli and berries. Rich in compounds called glucosinolates vitamin K helps neurotransmitter processes which keep the brain and memory sharp. Neurotransmitters continue to grow and form our entire lives. They actually form in neural networks according to our beliefs and thought patterns. When we talk about changing our lives and changing how we believe we have to lay down new neurotransmitter pathways. To do this, we have to have a healthy brain, to begin with.

How Important Is Sleep?

6. To me this should be at the start of the top 8 nutrients for brain health list, it’s a good night sleep. Our body needs 7 to 8 hours, and so does our mind. When we sleep, it should be relaxing yet dream filled. If your dreams are troubled, you toss and turn a good night sleep may not be happening for you. Taking time to discover if this is stress related, pain related, or function of our brain is important.sleep, insomina, acupuncture, naturopath

7. Vitamin C is a nutrient that seems to be good for everything. It is also good for the brain and protects against degeneration, and there’s a long history of its use. We know citrus fruits have vitiamin C, did you know it’s also in red peppers and broccoli as well.

8. Something hitting the news and it’s not a trend, is Turmeric. Turmeric is wonderful for many things including being a powerful anti-inflammatory. Many people are rushing to the store to buy Turmeric, and it may not even be the quality you need. It should be a unique blend that usually is found only from a prescription level at your naturopath or acupuncturist office.

Top 8 Nutrients For Brain Health

So how do you get all these great nutrients into your diet daily? My favorite way is a fruit smoothie. Now I don’t put protein powders or honey in mine. I find the fruit has enough sweetness but you can add a few drops of your favorite Stevia if you like. Stevia comes in flavors, and you can use the liquid form which isn’t processed.

Brain Health Daily

By mixing the berries together with some Kiefer or yogurt, you have a simple smoothie. Throw in some broccoli with your lunch or dinner. Make sure you go to bed and get the rest needed. Start your day with meditation or journal for a few minutes. This is a calm, relaxing state. Center your mind around positive things you see coming your way this day. Even on our worst days, our cloudy days we can begin with a fresh outlook. This is your day for a healthy body and a healthy mind. This is my list of the top 8 nutrients for brain health and to  help you avoid Alzheimer’s.

If you’re trying to live healthy think about finding out more about how working with an online health coach. Get your free consult today.

Did You Know There Are Nine Different Types Of Magnesium

Did You Know There Are Nine Different Types Of Magnesium

Different Types Of MagnesiumSupplements are confusing. Which one do you need and how much now to add to the confusion you have to think about which ‘form’ is right for you. I hope to take a boring topic and make it useful and fun. Did you know there are Nine different types of Magnesium and they’re not all great for you but you need this supplement!

You might say I eat nuts and beans so I don’t need to take a pill. Maybe you eat brown rice, salads, or whole wheat bread too but are you absorbing this co-factor that regulates so many things! Okay so you’re thinking like what Deb?

Why We Need Magnesium

“Magnesium is a co-factor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.  Taking one of the different types of magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis.[1]

I guess it’s pretty important. I take it and knowing which kind was best for me took some time so I hope this article helps you. If you’re still lost then come see me as a patient or become a health coaching client by Skype or phone. Both are affordable!

different types of magnesium


The Quick And Dirty List Of Nine Different Types Of Magnesium

  1. Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate – the mineral form combined with an amino acid. It’s not your best bet.
  2. Magnesium Oxide – This is not your right one either. You’ve likely seen this on the shelf it’s magnesia.
  3. Magnesium Citrate – now we’re getting somewhere. This is the salt of citric acid and it works great for constipation and to prevent kidney stones. Still there may be better ones out there for you.
  4. Magnesium Orotate this is the best because our bodies can absorb it. All plants and animals use this to create RNA and DNA so it’s important for us humans. It provides us with energy and all the others things we want from this cofactor. It’s hard to find a good quality but I do have it available for my patient.
  5. Magnesium Lactate is great for digestive issues but should be avoided if you have kidney disease or kidney related problems. It’s the mineral by the way.
  6. Magnesium Glycinate, Malate & Taurates another three types are the most available. They each act differently and you should check with your alternative practitioner to know which is right for you.


MagnSpinachesium And Calcium Working Together

There’s a ton of research for decades now recommending that we take calcium and magnesium together. More recently the ratio has changed. Because we do get some calcium from our diet and rarely get magnesium it’s important that you use a 1 to 1 ratio. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find a supplement made properly.

For a top-notch blend, I recommend a super blend of various types of this vitamin that is inexpensive for the best absorption. My other favorite source of this co-factor contains organic spinach and also available through our office for patients and online health coaching clients. To learn how to become a office patient or virtual client, contact our office. Both these are by professional-medical recommendation and we are happy to assist you with enrolling as a virtual client.




What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat

Today we know a lot more about what to eat and why. So what’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat? We’ve all heard the saying eat carbs before doing a physical activity and if you’re a mom, the saying went that you fed your child a large meal of pasta before a soccer game.

Nutrition is a significant element for anyone especially those who exercise or consider themselves athletes. Food is the fuel for your endurance and high-intensity. For this reason, carbohydrates have been the food source of choice.

In looking at Fitness performance is it really the best resource for you?

What’s Better for Fitness Performance: Carbs or Fat?

How Carbohydrates and Fat Compare During Exercise:

Our body can store both fat and carbs. Why we have always been told to eat a large bowl of pasta before running a race, or playing a hockey game is that carbohydrates convert to energy faster. Carbs also are the most efficient form for the experienced athlete.

What about fat then?  Fat burns slower. This means it increases endurance and as your workout longer, or run farther having fat before you begin can increase your ability to sustain your running, cycling, or triathlon.

Our body’s store fat limitlessly. This is why we gain weight so eating fat or having a bit of body fat can be a good thing! The available carbohydrate stores are limited to what you’ve just eaten, not eliminated, or converted to fat storage.

There is no straight answer to what’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat it depends on what you’re doing!

Weight gain and Carbohydrates

weight gain and carbohydrates

Another topic around food and fitness is weight gain and carbohydrates.

If you don’t use up all the calories from carbohydrates, you’ll store these as fat adding pounds and body mass in fat grams to yourself. There is a direct tie between weight gain and carbohydrates.

The key is eating a balance. In 2004, the Australian Institute of Sport found that your body can use a high-fat, low-carb diet by burning more fat during exercise.

Other research those still points out that performance is lost when you add too much fat.

Bottom line balance in all your meals means better performance. Eat the right diet for you to be at a healthy weight. The issue of weight gain and carbohydrates come in when you eat too much of this food group.

Before you move into a high-intensity workout or cardio activity, eat a tiny amount of carbs. Running for the large slice of lasagna or eating a heaping pile of mashed potatoes means weight gain in many instances.

Instead, eat a headful of nuts or sample a few small bites of pasta 30 minutes before activity for the average person. What’s better for fitness performance: carbs or fat is individual to each one. It also depends on what you’re doing as an activity the intensity or the endurance. Finally, consider weight gain and carbohydrates. If you’re looking to lose weight limit high carbs in your diet until you reach your goal weight.

Interested in living healthy? Find out more by calling our offce. Call today!



images:  Nick Freund | – Model with spaghetti, Rido | – Man Eating Energy Bar

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