Does Diet Influence Menopause Timing?
Food influences everything, not just our weight. Does diet influence menopause timing? It does, and you can be in control it. Not only when but the symptoms you struggle with or rather don’t experience.
Acupuncture For Menopause
As an acupuncturist, many people think all I do is put tiny sterile needles into people. Nothing is further from the truth. Chinese medical practitioners are often trained in whole body health. I bring into my Littleton practice functional approaches to health as well.
Food, for instance, is part of medicine like acupuncture. In my Littleton office, I often deal with the whole person, especially when it comes to hormones. Acupuncture is excellent at quick relief for hot flashes, weight gain, or night sweats. The cool thing though is when this stop altogether because of different food choices.
Does diet influence menopause timing? There’s no science I found saying it ‘affects’ the timing though this study at Harvard suggests it does. However, poor health can bring on the cessation of your mensural cycle in before 45 let’s say.
Acupuncture can help you jump start your cycle and keep it going by stimulating your body chemistry to balance stress, food, and hormones. Besides changing the diet can have health benefits that improve not only hormones but energy, happiness, while decreasing stress.
Acupuncture Is More Than The Needle
As an acupuncturist who is also training in ‘food’ and ‘diet’ from a functional, my goal is to help you sail through menopause at the right time.
Does diet influence menopause timing? The lack of a well-balanced diet is well studied, and too much fast food, sugar, dairy, or avoidance of protein from animals often are related to wellness.
Diet and Menopause Connect
Let’s state the obvious. Menopause isn’t something to be avoided. The timing of when it occurs should be around 49 to 52. When it occurs earlier, we have to ask does diet influence menopause timing in this person? It means doing a few tests to confirm the patient’s health. It then becomes a choice of how to deal with it through acupuncture, diet, and supplements.
Now the question.