Creating Mental Equivalent For Success In Your Life

Creating Mental Equivalent For Success In Your Life

The Mental Equivalent by Emmett Fox. This single book inspires millions to change their mindset around illness, careers, relationships, even money. Even effects our goals like weight loss.

Anais Nin a mid-20th-century author wrote: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais was telling us to have the courage to envision a greater life, a bigger realm of success for ourselves. This is true with our health and losing weight.

Life And The Mental Equivalent Creating Mental Equivalent

When we talk about our success in our life, think about what Mr. Fox said. “You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.” Our very success in all the primary areas of life depends on controlling your mind and thoughts. So how do we do this creatively and magnificently in our lives? How do we add it to our health and wellness?

This is where working with a health coach comes in. Our approach is a whole life approach, not just health.

Believing bigger for yourself is mental equivalence. It is the ability to change how you manifest your reality in life. Most people have past experiences that taught them to think of themselves as ‘less-than’ instead of ‘more than’. It’s easy to tell yourself that you are overweight because your family trait is such. When we let go of stereo-types instead embody the Mental Equivalent of our weight loss goal it’s easier to achieve success.

Weight loss And Our Genes

We know genetics play a smaller role than once thought, and how you eat, and think mean more. The lack of physical activity like walking can make a huge difference for many. Empowering my clients to see themselves for the joy they really are is a big part of health coaching.

You may have heard how money was tight or that you were not good enough at some time in your past. This can play out in our careers, our relationships, and our personal self-image too.The Mental Equivalent of  what we want plays a role in everything we think and believe.Primary Food

Using Mental Equivalent In The Primary Foods Of Daily Living

Primary foods are not what we place in our mouths but the things that make life worth living and enjoying. You cannot buy or sell this special nourishment. These life sources feed our hearts and our souls, giving us the life we want and deserve. One of these nourishment’s is our relationships with others.

Using Mental Equivalent for Success in Relationships

When you think of love, do you believe in small love that keeps you safe and means you have someone to sleep next to at night? Or do you desire and set your mind on a course with a significant love that fills your heart full and makes you smile? The level of a loving relationship in your life is the size of your Mental Equivalent.

When we think of physical problems, telling yourself that knee pain is to be expected at your age, is not positive, constructive, optimistic, or being kind to yourself.

These 3 steps will help you move more into creating success with a Mental Equivalent in your life.

  1. The First Step Is To Be Patient With YourselfWeight Loss

Be ready to pull yourself gently back when you realize a thought is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.

“Mary” a health coaching client, sounded angry on her bi-monthly call. I asked her what was wrong; I could almost feel the heat of anger through the phone. “My mother is at it again. Telling me, I will always be fat because she is! Doesn’t she understand how much this hurts.” Her voice trailed off.

My job wasn’t to tell Mary to ignore your mother, or have a snappy comeback. It was to ask her how she felt when this happened. What thought she had before calling her parents home.

She went into a lethargy of how she knew this was what her mother would say. Mary didn’t want to talk to her but felt compelled to do it anyway even though she knew exactly what would happen.

  1. Be Present With A Beneficial And Constructive Image Of What You Want

This prep-story was a mental equivalence, just like Ernest Holmes suggest we do. It manifested just as she asked and planned. Now she was adding to this desire by continuing the destructive memory over and over.

As hard as it can be to pull back. If you find yourself not creating a positive mental image then don’t make a phone call. It may be weeks before you return a call. You may have to send an email and simply tell the person you love them but right now you’re working on a big project and will call them soon. That project is your well-being.

Sometimes we’re ready to make that interaction. It can be with a boss or co-worker. You may have little time to think about this. Using Mental Equivalence or ME, can go something like this.

  1. Be Optimistic About Your Ability to Use Mental Equivalent For Your Higher Good Health Coaching

Write out in your journal all the positive things you want to take place. My boss smiles at me. She tells me she likes something I am wearing or doing. She blesses me with her mentoring on something I want to improve. She brings light into our interaction and I bring light too.

Don’t expect your boss to criticize you or correct you. See it as mentoring from this person.

Now that it is written it’s more powerful. Say it many times daily and as you go to meet with this person. If you don’t have time to do this just keep seeing in your minds’ eye the image a encouraging time and saying thoughts of kindness, positivity, and blessing for the meeting.

Bonus. Be Kind Without Attachment To The Outcome

It takes practice and sometimes you don’t know the entire result. Remember the other person is envisioning what they want and it could be thoughtless on their part for a successful outcome.

If this happens you have placed your energy at a higher frequency and you’ll not be attached to the outcome. The last thing you want to do is leave this encounter and say to yourself, “I knew it wouldn’t go well!” That means you didn’t actually hold a place for a higher outcome and you got exactly the mental equivalence expect, you just didn’t admit it to yourself.

Mary knew she would likely struggle with being Twiggy but a sexy big-size model was something she could accomplish. Using pictures from magazines, she had formed a perfect mental equivalent of success for herself before she phoned home again.

This time when her mom asked how dieting was going Mary had a quick reply, “I see myself looking beautiful each day mom, how’s dad doing?”

Sometimes using a mental equivalent of success also means stopping the flow of other people’s negativity to realize success. Over time, Mary chose to end calls with her parents if the tone turned destructive. Over time, her mother learned not to bring the topic up if she wanted to a relationship with her daughter.

 A Mental Equivalent Of Success

I am Now

You are always successful at creating your reality. Why not practice creating success in your life? For me, this came in the way of building an image in my mind, placing in on paper in my journal around my health coaching practice and acupuncture center. It is a reality because I see this in my mind’s eye daily and give thanks for the blessing of this.

A mental equivalent of success is working in you right now. Do you like what you’re creating? If not, practice. Think of it this way. You want to be better at golf or piano, or cooking. Would you practice or just wish it to be so and continue thinking about how ‘poor’ you play or bad you cook?

Ernest Holmes said, “We should never lose sight of the fact that we are each given the individual right to use the law [cause & effect], and that we cannot escape from using it.”

I chose to use Mental Equivalency in my life to create a loving relationship with my husband and children. To be financially successful as I help millions of people with their health and wellness. I accept Mental Equivalent into my life in a positive way to prosper and live a deeper spiritual path. For more mindful living visit my other website Debra Arko.

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Cancer Prevention And Diet – Mushrooms

Cancer Prevention And Diet – Mushrooms

Recently I started eating more mushrooms. I had gotten out of the habit a while back until I saw Julio an acupuncture patient, who had just gotten over cancer. Research suggests eating 10 g or about ¼ cup daily can reduce your risk of cancer by 64%. Even I have to remind myself of these facts especially when I would rather reach for a piece of the pie. I’m all for Cancer Prevention foods are you?

Cancer Prevention And Diet

mushrooms concept of Cancer Prevention

Frankly, I was surprised he had cancer in the past. Since I had known “Julio” years ago as a patient for acupuncture, I had secretly always thought he would develop diabetes based on what he ate daily. Instead his high-stress job and marriage, lots of travel with alcohol and fast food had changed his life forever. He wanted to look at food as a way to prevent the return of cancer in his life so we talked white button mushrooms.

Add Mushrooms

Adding mushrooms to your diet can help anyone reduce their risk of cancer and I believe it’s important in your diet if you can eat them.

Remember my basic principle is to crowd-out foods that aren’t healthy and add in more of the healthy ones, mushrooms even inexpensive ones is food you can add. Most Cancer Prevention foods help fight heart disease or diabetes too.


As a health coach, we are talking about life balance and food is only a fraction of the whole picture. Julio hadn’t really been open in the past life-balance health coaching but now, he was highly motivated to get back on track; at 40 yr old, he had a wake-up call from his body.

Health Coaching

I won’t share his entire story; the important take-away is age doesn’t matter. He got cancer at 37 yr old. Usually, colon cancer is seen in older people. Also most people still believe our genes play a significant role in what disease we will get if any.

It’s Not In Your Genes – Really!

That is because for decades science kept reporting that genetics determined your medical destiny. In 2003, scientists finally accomplished unlocking the genetic code. To their surprise, it only determines eye, hair color, and that sort of things. Our ‘health gene’ from our parents is more like 10% of the equation. Our health is in our hands for the most part.

Back to why mushrooms – Joel Fuhrman, MD (Super Immunity, Joel Fuhrman MD 2011) who has spent years studying our bodies’ immune system is responsible for the ANDI chart popularity. Joel and other researchers found people who eat mushrooms just don’t get cancer often. I’d say that great evidence of Cancer Prevention Properties.

You see cancer can only survive if your immunity is weak. This doesn’t mean you get colds easily, it means you’re food sources and high-stress levels out weight your high-quality micronutrient-rich foods [mushrooms for one] and relaxation time.

cancer and stress

Julio never stopped. He worked constantly and really didn’t take the time for himself. He once mentioned he thought life was supposed to be less happy, after all none of his friends was happy either.

Now that is a scary thought.

Mushrooms Are An Integral Part Of The Human Immune System

Mushrooms contain Antigen-Binding Lectins [ABL]. This substance sticks to abnormal cells in the body. It’s a bit more complicated essentially, it recognizes a molecule on the surface of cancer cells! When it attaches, it calls the body’s defenses to come and take action destroying the cancer. Kind of cool.

Mushrooms also are Angiogenesis Inhibitors – another big word. I love this word though because of what it does in the body. Angiogenesis means making new blood vessels in the fat tissue of the body. If fat can’t get blood it dies instead of grows. This is great for anyone wanting to lose body fat!

It also starves cancer cells of the blood supply. In our body blood brings the food and mushrooms inhibit new blood vessel growth so cancer cells can’t grow. It is plain and simple.

Aromatase Inhibitors is another big word that is relevant to women and cancer. Aromatase is an enzyme that causes women to make too much estrogen, especially if they have excess fat on their bodies’. Again think weight loss and cancer prevention.

cancer prevention

So Which Mushrooms Work Best To Stop Cancer?

I suggest a mix of your favorite mushrooms so you enjoy them. It always makes sense to eat what you like, but it’s also correct certain foods are addictive, period. So when talking

The best to get the highest anti-aromatase activity [most helpful], White Button, White Stuffing, Cremini, Portobello, Reishi, Maitake

Others that have a mild anti-aromatase activity include, Shiitake, Chanterelle, Baby Button.

It doesn’t take much only 10 grams of mushrooms to decrease your risk of cancer by 64%[1]. If you want to reduce your likelihood of cancer by 89% include daily green tea (Zhang M & 124:1404-1408), and green vegetables. The ANDI chart is the best way to find the most beneficial foods for health.

ANDI - NUVal chart

So what happened to Julio? Even with cancer, he was 30 pounds overweight but something has shifted in him. He explained that, in these last few months he’d realize how much he wanted to live. That this curve ball had made him come to terms with a few things regarding his relationship with his wife and mother. That if he didn’t clean up his ‘act’ he’d not see his kids grow up. He wanted to apply for my health-coaching program to lose the weight, and learn how to live a happy, healthy life.

The Wake Up Call

Cancer can be a huge wakeup call for many. Dietary changes are meaningful and effective. Today Julio is self-empowered because of the coaching program and his desire to have a better life. He has the tools and doesn’t see me since the programs are only six months long. How do mushrooms play a role, he eats them daily!

What Causes Sinus Problems?

What Causes Sinus Problems?

Sinus Problems: What To Do When Good Sinuses Turn Bad

Everyone at some time experiences sinus problems but when sinuses turn bad it’s all in your head!

Some Interesting FactsSinus Problems

Sinus Problems

  • Two sinus cavities are located in the forehead.
  • Two are behind each cheekbone.
  • Two sinus cavities are within the bones between your eyes.
  • Two are behind each eye.

Some researchers  believe we have sinuses to keep our head from being too heavy and we do know they give our voices depth and tone.

Your Nose And Allergies

Most people think all their allergies affect their nose. The truth is over 63% of all allergies affect the digestion. Most allergies are really sensitivities to foods.

When we eat something that our body does not like, distress occurs in our digestion. We may experience bloating, gas, or pain. Other times we notice a stuffy nose or sinus problems.digestion problems

Think back when you ate that pizza loaded with rich, savory cheese melted over the top. Underneath are various kinds of juicy meats like pepperoni or Canadian ham. This is all placed on a thick crust sweetened with corn syrup to make it light and enhance the gluten in the wheat flour.

If your stomach gets upset, we call it acid reflux or indigestion; you say it is from the rich food. If our nose stuffs up not occurring to us that it is allergies to something we ate, but it is.

Many people believe allergies are environmental. Science has proven food sensitivities are at the root of all environmental problems whether a true allergy or sensitivity.

In other words, if you have a sensitivity to sagebrush when it blooms, it is because the germ of its seed is similar to that of wheat. This means you are also sensitive to wheat, even if you do not test allergic to it.

Why Allergies Cause Sinus ProblemsAllergies

Without getting to medical or technical, everything in our body is related through our blood, which flows everywhere carrying the molecules from our food to all tissues. Our sinus tissues are sensitive and a great place for yeast to grow. Yeast or Candida, if it grows is not healthy for our body. This creates sinus problems.

Acupuncture is one of the best treatments for sinus problems. At our Denver Acupuncture Health, we specialize in allergies and sinus infections.

One thing that’s surprising is 10% of the population have an extra sinus! WebMD has a great article on sinus problems.  This article covers narrow sinuses, allergies and more.


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Testimonial Golf Player Gets Back In the Game With Acupuncture

Testimonial Golf Player Gets Back In the Game With Acupuncture

Most people have had back pain making relief a full-time pursuit. One avid golfer had success with acupuncture at our office. Watch this acupuncture testimonial video about back pain relief. If you are active or love golf you’ll want to view this review.

If you golf or play sports natural medicine may be in the near future. It not only can help with back pain relief but it is used by people who do yoga, tennis, run, cycle, walk, even weight lifting who want to increase their endurance.

Acupuncture Helps Golf Player Stop Back PainTestimonial Acupuncture, back pain relief concept

While golf is a warm weather activity, being active year round can keep you healthy. Acupuncture in Denver can help you stay well especially when the weather starts heating things up and you all want to get outside. To do things, like golf, plant a garden, or enjoy a hike. Recently a new patient spoke out about how acupuncture relieved his  back pain. He gave us a FIVE-STAR RATING!!!! Hear his Testimonial below captured on video just for you.

 What if your back is in pain? Any normal activities may be out of the question. Natural healers have known for centuries that traditional Chinese Medicine can help with most any pain condition.

Acupuncture Testimonial Back Pain Relief

In this acupuncture testimonial, you hear from a patient how quickly they felt better with our painless style of treatment. Back Pain ruining your golf game is a common issue that often times can be relieved with acupuncture. Tight muscles can stop you from enjoying your life and being social. Back pain relief with acupuncture can get you back into the game.

Acupuncture for Back Pain Relief

Make Accent On Health Wellness Center your acupuncture home for back pain relief and more! So if you’ve asked yourself is it possible to get Back Pain Relief with Acupuncture let this patient speak for our results!

If you suffer from back pain, you can be ‘back’ to life in a short time.  Dry needling  through a FULLY licensed Acupuncturist can be part of your activity program along with Stretches to Relieve Back Pain, proper diet, and lifestyle.

We hope you enjoyed this acupuncture testimonial. Let us know if we can assist you! Call our office 720-515-4602

We provide acupuncture in Littleton to clients from throughout Colorado. We are likely part of your health insurance benefits although we also see non-insured patients too.  As an in-network health provider with major insurance often we can accept your insurance when others can not, even other acupuncturists. Let us help you rediscover feeling better today!

Other resources: acupuncture for back pain relief   images courtesy of Wikipedia through Google free usage images.


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