Insufficient Vitamin D Hits Home With Athletes and Alzheimer’s

Insufficient Vitamin D Hits Home With Athletes and Alzheimer’s

Why Mom Got Alzheimer’sInsufficient Vitamin D

There are many reasons why my mom got Alzheimer’s’ and I know one was Vitamin D. My mother’s diet was low in this vitamin and she didn’t get enough sunshine to active it. Today I am convinced it played a role in her mental decline. I think women naturally are lower in this supplement and the latest news around athletes who are deficient is impressive.

In The News

Vitamin D is getting a lot of press these days. The most interesting fact is that it’s really a hormone. It plays many roles in our lives helping us absorb calcium and maintain bone mass. This sounds great if you’re worried about aging and osteoporosis. Consider this though a study by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons[1]; found that one-third of Division I college athletes have insufficient vitamin D.

Insufficient Vitamin D Leads To Injury and Weak Muscles

Are you injury prone? Do you have weak muscles or pain? Low levels of D play a role in musculoskeletal pain and injury too. This study notes that athletes are especially vulnerable. After running, I can get leg spasms a sure sign it’s time to check my levels. There are up to one billion people around the world with deficient vitamin D levels of all ages.

Knowing how much to take and if you have an inadequate amount is found through an easy blood spot test offered by our office. It’s more accurate than the typical blood test. Optimal levels of D are necessary. D is a fat soluble vitamin. This means it remains in the body for long intervals if given too much. It can cause high blood calcium levels leading to kidney stones. It leads to poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting.blood spot test

The Risk of Low Vitamin D Affects All People

Not only athletes and older people are at risk when it comes to deficiencies. If you play sports, lift heavy weights or work in a career that involves heavy lifting check your levels. Even the weekend warriors need to keep their vitamin D in balance.

These Five Reasons Are Why You Want To Ask About The Blood Spot Test Right Away

  1. Your Immunity

D works in a special way it stimulates your immune system to produce cathelicidins that kill viruses. Cathelicidins are small, cationic, antimicrobial peptides found in humans. They serve a critical role in mammalian [mammals] innate immune defense against invasive bacterial infection. Without adequate vitamin D, you are almost defenseless against cold and flu season. The sun activates D so it’s no wonder we get colds in winter if we don’t have this vital supplement in balance.


  1. Healthy Brain

According to The Alzheimer’s Research Center [2]Vitamin D deficiency decidedly escalates your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease through both neurodegenerative and vascular mechanisms. Older people often lack enough sunshine and D; it’s also common for anyone in North America; we just don’t get adequate sunlight. It is associated with an increased risk of stroke too. Your risk of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every 5 years after the age of 65.


  1. LongevityAlzheimer’s

Something called a Telomere[3], is an essential part of human cells that affect how our cells age. Remember D is a hormone it affects many genetic pathways in the human body and is linked to chronic disease especially those with inflammation. When our body has a disease such as arthritis, for instance, this vitamin is especially important in reducing the inflammatory process which speeds aging. Telomeres and this supplement work together to slow the aging process in your body and mind by healthy cell regeneration.


  1. Optimize Your Testosterone

D is an anabolic hormone and research suggests it helps testosterone and maximum muscle mass and synthesis. Studies show that if you exercise, your testosterone levels increase. In women though this may reduce body mass index. Other research links low testosterone in women which lead to atherosclerosis and obesity[4]. Without this vitamin, testosterone can affect muscles, your arteries, and weight gain.

Insufficient Vitamin D

  1. Everyone’s Worst Enemy Inflammation

Whether you’re young or old inflammation is your worst enemy. It ages you, it is a signal that if left unchecked in chronic conditions that something is wrong. The athlete with inflammation suffers soreness and fatigue when acute. Regular exercise reduces inflammatory reactions when combined with an anti-inflammatory diet. There is a balance here with both of these support systems. Foods like wild salmon, papaya, blueberries, broccoli, avocados, and cranberries, even ginger reduce inflammation in the body. Proper amounts of the right fitness are needed to stop inflammation.

Vitamin D And Inflammation

If this isn’t enough to stimulate your interest in making sure you have enough Vitamin D then do it because others love you and want to enjoy life with you!

Taking supplements though isn’t running down to your local bulk store, grocery store, or health food store. Many of these are derived from less than ideal sources. You can be wasting your money and still be deficient.

In the beginning, we use the blood spot test every 6 months until your levels are ideal. Some clients do better with certain forms such as a liquid. Using the incorrect quality, dose, or amount wastes money and your health.

Whether you chose to do the test or wish to start taking a higher quality D, we are here to assist you.





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Can’t Sleep? Finding Natural Help For Insomnia

Can’t Sleep? Finding Natural Help For Insomnia

“Last night I closed my eyes only to wake a full hour before I had to get up. I can’t sleep once again. Worse yet it is Saturday; my only morning to sleep in.” It’s been a busy week and like you, I need sleep to recoup my energy. Clients share some version of their insomnia with me weekly. This is just one that I heard recently. Many people can’t sleep. The reason varies. There are many natural ways to get a good nights’ sleep.

can't sleep

Copious numbers of people try prescription drugs like Ambien or Lunesta only to experience horrible side effects. They range from bad dreams, sleep-walking, not being able to wake up. Lower Libido is another complaint I keep hearing too. The one time I tried it I hallucinated!

Even some forms of natural medicine can have side effects.  My advice don’t give up with holistic aids there is more than the name of the product or ingredient to consider. There is the cultivation and the foods you consume. That’s right your mix of foods, and natural substances, when you can’t sleep, can interact.

Why Our Minds Can’t Sleep


When we can’t sleep, it may be our minds are over-busy, or we suffer from physical pain. These are the two most common problems that create the sleeplessness. Increasingly a high percentage of sleep issue is hormonal in both men and women! I’ve seen patients with insomnia for many reasons; I don’t give up and encourage you to not either.

Our brain and nervous system need neurotransmitters or chemicals to function. When our minds can’t slow down, these chemicals don’t activate correctly. Acupuncture is an extremely helpful part of a healing program for long-term or chronic sleepless nights. There’re three types of sleep aids I like to recommend to help you when you can’t sleep. I’ll cover one in this article, share a few, and include the others in another article.

The Body’s Hormone For Insomnia


Melatonin, for instance, is a natural hormone made by the Pineal gland inside the brain. Our brain knows to stop making it from light hitting the eye. Because we stay up late, have on bright lightening, the Pineal gland doesn’t get the signal.

I had to try a few brands to find one that didn’t cause nightmares for me. This is a common consequence, especially when taken within 2-3 hours of drinking alcohol. Some clients do better with a sublingual form over a capsule. For me, it doesn’t matter it’s how it made. This is why I encourage people to try numerous brands before giving up on Melatonin.

A few other forms we use are a homeopathic remedy and slow release blend. Sometimes the type of Melatonin you take makes the difference for insomnia.

How melatonin works in our body is different from the other sleep-aids I’ll share with you in this article. It is similar to a clock starting to increase around 9 pm making you sleepy and decreasing to untraceable levels at 9 am. Lowering lights, turning down the TV, or shutting it and computers off at 9 pm can enhance your ability to fall asleep naturally. If you don’t go to bed until a few hours later, fill this time reading in a gentle light that doesn’t fill the entire room.

When You Can’t Sleep Try Natural Options


Melatonin isn’t the only natural formula I recommend to clients with insomnia. When I can’t sleep a few specific herbal prescriptions or my favorite, a neurotransmitter work wonders. Gaba or Gamma-Amino Butyric acid is another neurotransmitter. It acts as a tranquilizer for most people. It is non-habit forming and it is a chemical that is made in the brain.

It is used for relieving anxiety, improving mood, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also used for promoting lean muscle growth, burning fat, stabilizing blood pressure, and relieving pain, according to WebMD.

Even deficiencies in micronutrients can cause insomnia. We offer testing to help you get to the root of the problem and treat it naturally.


I’ve had patients who haven’t had a good night’s sleep in years start sleeping better with acupuncture and one of these various natural supplements. To learn more about the other insomnia options schedule your visit today.


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Supplements For Fitness Training

Supplements For Fitness Training

Readers and patients alike often ask which supplements for fitness training are best. The truth is none. The answer is a healthy diet along with proper exercise help you stay healthy. Vitamins don’t make your workout better. As we age though food may not be enough. Our body’s may require supplementation to stay healthy. Take vitamin D for instance. Many people need more than they get daily. Fitness

When we speak of diet, I don’t mean limiting your food intake, I am talking about eating for a healthier you. Gaiam Life had a great article on not eating enough during the day, a common problem that stops weight loss. For most professionals, the gym bag or walking shoes sit beside your desk, ready to go but you don’t move come lunch time. That report needs to be done, or the idea of coming back to work after sweating, makes it easy to talk ourselves out of lunchtime workouts. So you decide to eat less and the cycle stalls your metabolism. This is not the time to grab supplements for fitness training instead of working out.

Sports Experts Weigh In About Supplements For Fitness Training

Gary Stuart, a professional trainer, writes for the Washington Post and has this to say. “My general opinion is that supplements are unnecessary.” weoght loss

Gary says, “If you’re doing a long workout and want protein, the best shake protein appears to be whey.” This is because it is assimilated 70% quicker than soy or casein. This means it goes to your muscles faster. I’m not sure I agree because I’ve seen the benefits of taking the right supplements for fitness training before going to the gym along with eating protein.

“As for the belief that you must eat or have protein within 30 minutes of a workout, there is no proof or evidence this is important,” he continues on to say. Again I disagree.

Another favorite vitamin or mineral by gym goers or those exercising is Creatine. There is a large body of evidence supporting it adds muscle mass. It’s important to note it also causes water storage. Not so great if you want to look slim, reduce joint pain or losing weight. It is great news if you’re a bodybuilder looking to put on weight. For the person who sits at a desk all day, this only adds to your feeling of heaviness in the afternoons.supplements

Can Supplements For Fitness Training Do More Harm Than Good?

This is something to note about joint pain for everyone. Our bodies store water in muscle, fat, and joint tissue. Water storage is never good for your health.

So how do caffeine or energy drinks help with training or workouts? They can give you the ability to exercise longer. I am not a fan of using caffeine to get the job done, and that includes your real job. The supplements for fitness training I take before hand are ones that are to be taken on an empty stomach. This includes Biotin, detox support, and Chromium,

How Much Exercise Or Training Is Best?

weight lossThis can be 15-45 minutes daily. It should be a mix of walking, jogging or cycling. Include weight lifting 1-3 times weekly. This can add your own body weight through yoga or similar exercising. Some time ago we had an article with a cool fat blaster infographic to do. Weight loss is easy, if you do this list along with a proper eating plan.

If you include natural or organic vegetables daily in your diet with high-quality protein, you can keep vitamins to a minimum. You do not need supplements to build muscle or losing pounds. They simply ‘supplement’ a diet poor in nutritional value.

The bottom line, the best weight training supplements are what comes naturally in food. Take the money and spend it on higher quality food instead of supplements for training.

All the pictures we use are protected. They are from Bigstock, Dreamtime, Fotolia, or from Google free to use even commercially.

Cholesterol Drugs Linked to Muscle, Joint Problems

Cholesterol Drugs Linked to Muscle, Joint Problems

Secrets To Lower Cholesterol


I love to eat, do you? Unfortunately, many foods we eat affect our cholesterol. Many people just go with their medical recommendation to take statins and then experience muscle and joint problems. Worse yet many more note loss of memory.

One study recently published in Pubmed, Statin-Associated Memory Loss: Analysis Of 60 Case Reports And Review Of The Literature. found that after two months, 50% of the people in the study developed memory loss. When the prescription drugs were stopped fourteen (56%) of 25 patients noted a return in memory function.

Many drugs have side-effects, this is just some found with this group of medications. Often people don’t want to take prescriptions and working with a health coach can help you enjoy foods without eating stuff you hate.

From Drugs To Natural Foods

So first if you have side-effects from the meds for high Cholesterol, talk to your doctor and let them know you’re working with a health coach.

Your physician may be able to stop your medications or decrease them. Then start discovering what foods work to help you. Also, there are many natural supplements and herbs. Finding out which ones is part of your work with your coach.

I would estimate that 50% of my clients are on statins or told they need to watch their LDL levels.

Where Food Comes In For Cholesterol Levels

We all have heard that oats, or oat bran such as fiber can help but why then doesn’t it seem to be effective? It may be the quality. A food is closer to how mother-nature made it. This is key. Eating this type of food means eating better for your health.

natural foods

There’s a myth that organic foods or natural are more expensive. Look at it this way for starters, preservatives, food dyes, and GMO’s create more health problems long term you financial pay for later.

What are some of these other foods?

Eat more healthy fats! Fish or omega -3 fatty acids are next. If you’re like me, I don’t care for fish or have allergies, using supplements. I use Flaxseed oil.

Nuts are helpful especially almonds. I have a health issue with the pasteurizing and radiation they use on almonds. If you are sensitive too, use walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, some pine nuts, or pistachio nuts.

Happy food is a must and no one has sensitively or allergies to these. They are rewarding relationships, walking or other low impact activity, and work in your life that excites you!

Things in Bottles Often Create Side-Effects

Again over-the-counter Cholesterol supplements often are not the quality needed to create change. What would I give you? I base it on your bio-individuality. One person medicine is another’s poison. Remember this is true for food too.

The unique aspect of my coaching is I am also a functional medicine practitioner so we can utilize this style of lab testing and natural yet prescriptive herbs and supplements to match your unique individuality.

So now that we’ve talked about how you can go natural in balancing your cholesterol let’s discuss why you would.

There is growing evidence that statins don’t work to lower LDL. The statistics are growing against their use still…Even with these side affects doctors are saying that the benefits that statins provide to patients outweighs the risk. What do you think?

Statins and Alzheimer’s disease.

Side-effects of muscle and joint pain

images courtesy of PresenterMedia and Google Labeled: for reuse.

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