Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. What the world needs is more people that have come alive. ~Howard Thurman
Do you ever have those moments when everything is going right? I know I do when I’m writing from my heart, everything is right. It’s a feeling of joy and it’s almost as if something else is doing the work. I can’t even call it work it’s so rewarding. We all have something that makes us come alive.
Health Coaching
As health coaching goes, we often focus on this because our careers aren’t always the same thing. It’s not always a relationship. It’s usually very personal something that you do. One health coaching client found it to be volunteering at an animal shelter. Another found that setting up bicycle rides with other men after work changed his personal relationship with his wife because he loves riding and she didn’t. He didn’t have to not ride, he had to find riding partners.
What Makes You Come Alive?
The world seems to be at a standstill on new ideas. I believe every idea is fresh and unique because it has you in it. Yet many people don’t use their life to live it. They move through relationships, careers, their entire lives forgetting to be passionate about the one thing that sings to their heart. What I mean by this is we simply exist in the world waiting for whatever it is we’re to do.
What is it that makes you smile and come alive?
Instead, what if everyone you knew spent 15 minutes a day doing what makes him or her smile? What if you did the thing that brings you joy? That one thing that feels so perfect for 15 minutes each day. What would it be?
I am not talking about a bubble bath with candles and rose petals, it’s something that makes you come alive in an ah-ha state of awareness. It brings you that feeling everything is right. Often it has some level of service to others involved. For me, I get calls and comments from people telling me how my writing helps them. For the guy setting up the bike rides, he’s created a group of about 30 men who love to cycle and they appreciate that he makes it possible weekly.
Everything Is Right
Howard Thurman rather challenges us to bring it on; to come alive and do what sings to our internal sphere of self. As a health coach, my job is to listen and let you stretch yourself. I don’t tell you what will challenge you, you find what makes you come alive and then you do that – like Howard Thurman suggests.
When were happy if feels like everything is going right and we sit on top of the world. If we know what this emotion feels like then why do we let negative stressors take us out of this state of mind?
Some authors and researchers believe being in a happy mood all the time isn’t possible or healthy.
They reckon that it slows creativity. I beg to differ as I mentioned I feel everything is right when I am writing. My creative juices come alive and what I want to stay seems to flow easier for me than many others. It’s this way too when a client really wants my mentoring. I can feel it. I know by their questions and laugh or smile that we’ve touched that place in health coaching that resonates with them.
My Challenge To You
Do you want to make a simple change in your life? Something that makes you feel like the world belongs to you.
My challenge to you is simple; what makes you happy find that and do it for 15 minutes each day. I’m not talking careers as much as I’m speaking about life in general. For one client taking a walk with her dog, every day made everything right. Do this one thing for 21 days enjoy the sense of happiness? As Howard Thurman would say, That’s you coming alive.